Monday, November 5, 2007


My birthday passed 2 weeks ago and I just wanna talk about what I thought about birthdays.
Last year was arguably my best birthday, friends celebrated with me and all that.
This year when 1 of my best friend's birthday, we bought him a gift and I went to Gurney to buy it despite the rain and all that, never hoping for anything in return, just wanna see our friend smile when it's his birthday.

Then a few months ago, I paid quite a sum for birthdays when my mom commented that, "you pay so much but when you birthday comes don't see you getting anything before" that left me speechless not because of how umm... materialistic I think would be the best word my mother was but rather, the truth behind it.

I've never thought of it that way but it is rather true..


how often do you pay to get a friend's birthday gift only to get wishes and nothing else? I mean wishes are fine it means they actually made the effort to remember your birthday, but were you ever disappointed because nobody got you anything. I'm not trying to sound pitiful and all those sad sad stuff, just wanna put some thought into this 'issue'

Well the next time you get something for your birthday, find out who chipped in and make a note and get them something for their birthday.

The best thing you can do in your life is to make a person, smile.

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