Monday, December 17, 2007

What now?

Well exam's over, holiday is upon us so now what do we do?

1) Work
2) Rot
3) Play

Amongst these 3 which do u pick? A few of my friends chose option 2 and 3 mostly though there are exceptions to those which are hardworking enough to choose 1 and therefore they get to go for hols when they get their pay unlike people with choice no2 and 3. So here just like how the saying goes, pay play later or play now pay later which.. in turn mean if you work now u get to go for hols when you get your pay whereas if you play now or go for hols then you'll be working when others go for simple right?


aL said...

come out with us!!!


CRIZ LAI said...

Merry X’mas and a Happy New Year 2008. May this year and many years to come be filled with peace, love, joy, health and wealth :)