Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sumatran Rhinos

Well I have always been interested to be a part of WWF...NOT THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATIONS!


ok back to the topic.

A lot of flora and fauna has become extinct throughout the era of advancement due to humans destroying their natural habitats..Just in case you don't know habitat is the place where the animals live.
So when you destroy their home, you ultimately destroyed them!! It's like burning somebody's house up and when they see their house being engulfed in flames.. they'll feel they have lost everything so that's exactly how they feel and so WWF was founded to preserve these animals where their natural habitats have been destroyed and in SEA 1 of the near-extinct animals are Sumatran Rhinos so Nuffnang is going to create a lot awareness for these animals so I am hereby publicly stating that I fully support this program!

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